Facial volumetry
Over the years, the face loses volume, oval changes and acquires sharp features. The cause of the changes is the loss of body fat and its displacement down the face. Volumetry is modeling facial contours, i.e. correcting and restoring proper shape. The treatment involves the introduction of filler – hyaluronic acid or plasma (described in […]
MORE »Plasma lifting
The treatment with plasma is called the “vampire facelift” and it is a cocktail procedure obtained from the patient’s blood, which is rich in natural substances and a well-absorbed skin regenerating preparation. After collecting the appropriate amount of blood, it is centrifuged to separate the plasma that contains live platelets. Plasma is designed for all […]
MORE »Fibrin
Fibrin is a new generation lamellar concentrate in the form of a three-dimensional structure. Due to this structure, platelets are longer stimulated to release growth factors and cytokines, and cause mesenchymal stem cells to migrate to sub-ministration point. Growth factors and stem cells released from the fibrin, strongly stimulate tissue biological regeneration. What is […]
MORE »Injection lipolysis
A non-surgical and non-invasive method of aesthetic medicine that restores a slim figure. Injection lipolysis provides effective reduction of fat on the stomach, thighs, buttocks, and eliminating the double chin. The treatment consists of injecting (injecting) substances that dissolve fat cells, accelerate their breakdown in metabolic processes and excretion from the body. It is the […]
MORE »Lip filling with hyaluronic acid
Filling the mouth with hyaluronic acid helps to achieve a nice, full and firm lips while eliminating the signs of aging and wrinkles around the lips. The whole procedure of lip augmentation or contour modeling (technique for people who appreciate the natural effect) along with discussions of contraindications and proceedings after the treatment lasts […]
MORE »Regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin
Mesotherapy is a method of skin biorevitalization through intradermal injections of biologically active substances. Mesotherapy used for skin rejuvenation is based not on only the pharmacological effects of the injected substances, but also on the positive effects of the natural healing mechanisms triggered by the micropuctures. Skin on many areas of the body can be […]
MORE »Mesotherapy skalp
Mesotherapy is a non-invasive technique on superficial microinjections, just below the epidermis, into the target tissues. We use Dermaheal HL and it is a products for scalp, acting regenerative. Due to a content of growth factors and biomimetic proteins effectively reduces hair loss and baldness. Supports hair growth, through revitalization of hair follicles and stimulation […]
DermaPen – microneedle mesotherapy uses needles pricking. In the epidermis we make microtunnels, which allow deep introduction with special products. Additionally there is the microdamage’s skin and helps with production of collagen. Technology of vibration needles increases tension and firmness of skin. The deep of injection is 0,5 mm – 2,5 mm and this is […]